21 Yoomba Crescent,

Alexandra Headland


The ‘Balanced Babes’ Naturopathic clinic by Stacey Foat is located in Alexandra Headland on the Sunshine Coast. Stacey Foat is a degree qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist with over 17 years of clinical experience. Her skills include western herbal medicine, counselling, Nutrition, health coaching and genetics as part of the Naturopathic consultation, as well as additional tools such as, infrared sauna, breath work, ice bath therapy and guided cacao ceremony among other tools to guide you to wellness.  Stacey Foat offers treatment plans designed to assist everyone, including men and women with hormone-related conditions and a wide range of other ailments including Auto-immune conditions, Gut Health Digestive problems and more.

Phone or Zoom(video) consultation is also available.

Find out more about Stacey’s personal health journey here.

Stacey’s experience & specialties include:

  • Weight loss
  • Auto-immune Disorders
  • Reproductive Disorders such as Endometriosis, PCOS & Fertility
  • Genetic Testing
  • Gut Health & Microbiome Testing – Comprehensive Stool Analysis


  • Naturopathic Consultation
  • Live Blood Analysis
  • Gut Microbiome Testing
  • Oligoscan – Heavy Metal Testing
  • Vitamin & Mineral Testing
  • Comprehensive Genetic Testing
  • Group Breathwork Classes
  • Cold Water Immersion
  • Infrared Sauna Sessions
  • 1:1 Breathwork Sessions
  • Rife Frequency Treatments
  • Thyroflex – Thyroid Testing
  • Emotional Evolution – Kinesiology Sessions



45minute consultation

An Express Naturopathic Assessment including Live Blood Analysis & an Oligo scan to test for heavy metals, Vitamins & minerals.
Includes print outs of your results & on the spot recommendations, referrals if necessary & personalized prescription

DOES NOT INCLUDE A COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT PLAN but we spend 45mins going over as much as possible & mapping out an immediate plan of attack for you so you will have plenty to Action & get you well on your way

INVESTMENT $250 – Private Health rebates available for participating funds 


90minute consultation 

Full Comprehensive Naturopathic Consultation & Personalized 6-month Health Program

90minutes Appointment plus an additional 2-3hrs required for Stacey to create your individual 6-month program (outside of your appointment)
Includes: Full health & hormone assessment ThyroFlex Thyroid Testing, Oligoscan, Heavy metal,  Vitamin & mineral testing, Live Blood Analysis, RIFE Biofeedback Scan & 30minute frequency plasma treatment, 11-day Remote Frequency Detoxification, Referral for blood tests & a Comprehensive 6-month Treatment plan 

INVESTMENT – $495 – private health rebates available


12week Health Package 

Includes 4 Consultations & ALL TESTING as follows:

Week 1 – Full Comprehensive Naturopathic Assessment & Personalized 6-month Health Program

Includes: Full health & hormone assessment ThyroFlex Thyroid Testing
Heavy Metal testing,
Vitamin & mineral testing
Live Blood Analysis
RIFE Biofeedback Scan & 30minute frequency plasma treatment Rife
Emotional Evolution Clearing Session (Kinesiology, which addresses the emotional link to disease)
11-day Remote Frequency Detoxification

Valued at $495

Week 4 – 45minute Follow Up Consultation
Comprehensive Stool Analysis – $420
Bio Resonance Scan + Plasma Frequency Treatment to treat parasites/bacteria found in the stool results – $150
30-day Remote Frequency Healing –  $75

Valued at $645

Week 8 – 1 hour Consultation Valued at $150
Comprehensive Genetic Testing $320
Bio Resonance Scan + RIFE Frequency treatment $150
30-day Remote Frequency Healing – $75
Valued at $695

Week 12 – 30-minute phone consultation

Valued at $85


**Package does not include Nutritional Supplementation or herbal medicines. There are an optional extra, individually prescribed based on test results.  RIFE frequency treatments reduce the need for supplements, as detoxing and anti-microbial treatments can be delivered via frequency. 

Balanced Babes Express Naturopathic Testing


Oligo scan Test only – $165

30minute Consultation + Heavy metal, Vitamin & Mineral Test plus professional interpretation & on the spot treatment plan. Printed & Digital copy of your results

Thyroflex Test only – $165

30minute consultation + Thyroid Test plus professional interpretation & on the spot treatment plan. Referral to specialized Thyroid Doctor for Natural Bio-identical Thyroid hormones if necessary or Naturopathic Thyroid Treatment protocol. Supplements extra.

Live Blood Analysis only – $85

30minute consultation + Test + on the spot interpretation

Genetic Testing – $320

Test Kit and results emailed 


Follow Up Naturopathic Consultation – $99

45minute consultation includes Live Blood Analysis

Assisted Ice Bath + Infrared Sauna session- $45

45 minute assisted session with Stacey or Trent (Balanced Blokes)

Ice Bath + Infrared Sauna – $35

45minute unassisted session

Group Ice Bath + Breathwork Classes – $25-30 

All events & class times can be found here:


Genetic Testing + Interpretation consultation – $450

Test kit and 1 hour phone consultation to go over results 

OLIGOSCAN - Heavy Metal, Vitamin & Mineral Testing

Testing is performed using a non-invasion Oligoscan device, developed in Germany, utilizing infrared and spectrophotometry technology.

What does it test for?
  • 24 Minerals – Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Silicon, Sodium, Potassium, Copper, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Vanadium, Boron, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Iodine, Lithium, Germanium, Selenium, Sulphur, Flour
  • 7 Vitamins – Vitamin A, B6, B9, B12, C, D & E
  • 15 Toxic heavy metals – Aluminium, Antimony, Arsenic, Silver, Barium, Bismuth, Cadmium, Mercury, Nickel, Platinum, Lead, Thallium, Thorium, Gadolinium
  • Mineral Ratio’s
  • Oxidative Stress
  • Physiology function – prediction of body system health 

This is a quantitative analytical method of measuring the absorption or the optical density of a chemical.

It is based on the principle of absorption, transmission or reflection of light by the chemical compounds over a certain wavelength range.

Spectrophotometry is used in many areas : chemicals, pharmaceuticals, environment, food, biology, medical / clinical, industrial and others.

In the medical field, spectrophotometry is used to examine blood or tissue.

How does it work?

The Oli go scan is a reliable and scientifically proven tool..

A set of tests and comparative studies have been made by researchers highlighting a correlation between the results of the Oli go scan and those performed in the laboratory.

  • Patient’s physiological data is entered
  • Patient dermis is scanned by spectrometry
  • Oli go scan application processes and analyses data
  • Data is sent and stored on a secure server, allowing for further monitoring
  • Results are available on your computer / tablet
Heavy Metal, Vitamin & Mineral Tests are $165

*Scan’s are performed as part of Naturopathic assessments and are included in the cost of your consultation.



THYROFLEX - Advanced Thyroid Testing

“Only 18% of your Thyroid hormones are present in your blood at any one time, so a blood test is an incomplete assessment of your Thyroid health”

The patented Thyroflex, is a TGA approved medical device developed by Dr. Darryl Turner of Nitek, which uses a non-invasive approach to test, diagnose and manage thyroid conditions, by assessing the Reflexes, resting metabolic rate and thyroid symptoms to accurately determine thyroid health. 

If you answer yes to ANY of the following, your Thyroid needs additional investigation & treatment…

• Do you struggle with low energy, weight gain, poor memory & concentration, brain fog, achey joints, digestive problems, low libido, hair loss, constipation, sensitivity to the cold, irregular or heavy periods?

• Have you ever had Glandular Fever aka Epstein Barr Virus?

• Did your Doctor only test TSH?

• Do you have a family history of Alzheimers Disease?

• Do you have a family history of Thyroid problems?

• Do you feel awful after consuming Gluten?
Too many men and women are told ‘their thyroid health is normal’ based on simple blood tests….

But here’s why your Dr’s Thyroid assessment is likely inconclusive….

• Did they test the entire Thyroid Panel: TSH, T4, T3, Thyroid Antibodied, Reverse T3?

• Did they physically examine & palpate the Thyroid to check size & nodules?

•Did you undertake a comprehensive thyroid symptom assessment?

• Did they test your Iodine levels?

YOU’RE NOT CRAZY, if your gut feeling is that you, that you have an underactive Thyroid, then chances are you do, trust your intuition & your connection with your body, your hormones don’t lie!

Schedule Your Appointment here

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