Portable cleansing is now yours with our home enema kit. Enema helps balance our hormones through colon cleansing. There are various types of enemas depending on what you want to achieve, among them are coffee enema, turmeric enema, salt water enema, to mention a few.  You can even prepare your own coffee enema kit, or make your own salt water enema recipe and conveniently pack them together.


Your Travel Enema Kit

  • Reusable
  • BPA free
  • Durable
  • 2litre capacity
  • Convenient hook for hanging
  • 2m Hose
  • Instructions

How to Perform a Coffee Enema


  • Ensure you have your usual bowel motion first – it’s important that enemas don’t replace normal bowel motions, they are simply to flush out excess toxins, not compensate for constipation.
  • This is optional, but very effective. After your bowel movement, you can run a plain water enema to completely flush out the contents of your bowel. This will allow you to effortlessly hold the Turmeric, Coffee or Garlic etc enema for the desired 15 minutes.
  • Enema Quantity – while you are just beginning, your bowel muscles will not be ‘trained’ to hold large amount of liquids for the designated time (15 minutes) so it will be a natural phenomenon for your bowels to contract, in order to try and expel the liquid, as you contract and hold against this, you may experience some cramps and pains, this is normal and not a sign anything is going wrong. These will gradually disappear, after you have been doing Enemas for some time as your bowel becomes trained to holding the liquid. It is always much easier if you have run a water enema, to flush the contents of your bowel first and advisable to start with smaller amounts of liquids as your are getting used to it. Aim for 300ml and work your way up to 800-1000ml as you get more comfortable.



    1. Using your stove top, fill a small to medium saucepan with filtered or rain water (don’t use standard tap water, it’s full of toxic crap)
    2. Place 1 heaped tablespoon of Organic Enema Coffee (check it out here)
    3. Let this simmer for 10 minutes, then remove from heat.
    4. Strain off the coffee residue and pour the liquid into your enema kit.
    5. Depending how much liquid you have left after the simmering process, add either ice, cold water or warm water (if you let it cool down completely) so that you have approx 800-1000ml of liquid for your enema kit. You need to achieve a temperature which is approximately body temperature – too hot and it will burn you, too cool and your bowel muscle will naturally spasm and you won’t be able to hold the liquid enema for very long.



  1. Boil the kettle, using filtered water.
  2. Using some kind of a fine strainer, like a nut bag, or coffee filter, place 1 heaped teaspoon of turmeric powder in a standard coffee mug.
  3. Leave the turmeric powder to steep in the boiling water for 5-10 minutes
  4. Transfer the turmeric mixture into your Enema kit and add extra water in order to achieve the ideal temperature and amount of liquid.
  5. Administer your enema.


Get yourself some ORGANIC green tea bags or loose leaf green tea. Prepare it as you would prepare a normal cup of tea, steeping for at least 5 minutes to infuse the entire medicinal properties into the water.

Then simply place the tea solution into your enema kit – adding additional hot water, cold water or ice cubes in order to control the temperature to ensure its body temperature.

Retain your Green tea enema for a minimum 10-12 minutes or a maximum of 15 minutes or release when you get the overwhelming urge. 


Use 1-2 teabags or 1-2 teaspoons of loose leaf organic chamomile tea. Soak these in boiling water for 5 minutes or more than remove the chamomile and add the desired amount of hot or cold water to reach your required amount of enema solution (300-1000ml). Always ensure the water is luke warm and a comfortable temperature, not too hot that it burns you or too cold that it feels uncomfortable and can be difficult to retain.

These enemas are great for anyone with an irritated, inflamed bowel or colon, those who suffer from IBS, inflammatory bowel disease or after eating irritative foods.


This is just plain filtered water as a means of flushing out excess congestion from the bowels. It is a good idea to run a plain water enema through your bowel to flush it out before each therapeutic solution. This allows the solution to get the best absorption and have the most direct contact with the bowel wall. ALWAYS have a normal bowel movement before doing enemas or water flushes, if you start relying on enemas to move your bowels, the bowel which is a muscle can become very lazy and can lead to constipation.


Crush 1-2 cloves of fresh garlic and soak in water for 8-12 hours. Strain off the garlic and discard. Fill your enema kit with the garlic solution, using as much as you feel comfortable holding. Always aim to retain the enema solution for 15 minutes before releasing.

Garlic enemas are great for parasites and candida infections.


There are 2 ways these can be done. Firstly with a bulb syringe, which you can pick up on ebay for quite cheaply. Use a probiotic powder, I recommend RestoreME, as it is an all round broad spectrum probiotic powder with 10 different strains. Alternatively if you only have capsules you can open up the capsule and combine with water or you can insert the capsule directly into the anus and leave it there overnight.

Personally using the bulb syringes is a much easier and more comfortable process. Simply add 1 tsp of probiotic powder to 50ml of warm filtered water and insert this into the anus. Lay down until you feel comfortable enough that you are not going to ‘leak’ and allow the probiotic solution to be absorbed and retained. It is a good idea to do either of these practices before bed.

The aim of this practice is to re-innoculate the bowel and digestive tract of healthy beneficial bacteria and avoid depleting the natural microbiome.



It is really important to clean your enema kits after each use. Anything that has an anti-bacterial action is fine. I do not recommend using harsh chemical cleaning products. Use tea tree oil, food grade hydrogen peroxide or any other natural anti-microbial essential oils. Simply place the anti-bacterial agent in the enema kit and flush some water through. At least once a week, or depending how frequently you use the kit, it is a good idea to leave the water and anti-bacterial cleaning agent soaking in the enema kit overnight.

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